Anyone with a disability has the right to live independently and with as much confidence as possible. Hence, disability care and assistance, including psychological support, is one of the primary support categories provided by the NDIS. 

The benefits of engaging the services of a psychologist for individuals with a disability are vast and far-reaching. It can help with various mental health difficulties, including managing diseases, improving social skills, and recovering from surgery.

This post will discuss why you must include a psychologist in your NDIS care plan. 

But first, let us define psychology and the work of psychologists. 

What Exactly Is Psychology?

Psychology is the study of human behaviour, including cognitive attitudes, performance, and mental functioning. Analysing these aspects aids in the treatment of mental issues. Aside from that, psychology is used to help improve the way people learn, act at work, and talk to each other.

What Does A Psychologist Do?

Psychologists are trained professionals who analyse a person’s behaviour and mental, emotional, and social processes. They observe, evaluate, and record interactions between people and their environments to gain insights that can help them improve behaviours, procedures, or treatments.

Why Do People With Disabilities Need The Services Of A Psychologist?

People with disability can sometimes be isolated due to inadequate support systems around them, making them feel lonely and sad. They are more likely to face the following psychological challenges:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) 

People with disability have unique challenges, which can often manifest in mental disorders, or a psychosocial disability. People with disability also face social stigma from their communities, which can create barriers to them participating socially. This can contribute to poor mental health, which requires professional support to treat. 

Combined with engaging with professional NDIS disability support services, a psychologist can help restore a person’s sense of independance and contribute positively to their overall wellbeing. 

What Are The Advantages Of Working With A Psychologist?

A psychologist can help people with disability live better lives by being able to listen and ask questions in depth. He can also provide a safe space to explore their emotions and thoughts without fear of being judged. 

Here are some examples of how a NDIS psychologist can help you:

1. A psychologist lets people with disabilities know that they are not alone

A psychologist will encourage you to discuss your emotions to help you understand that you are not the only person going through difficulties. Talking about your concerns can help you unleash pent-up emotions. And speaking to someone who isn’t involved in the problem might help you figure out how to solve it.

A psychologist can also help people with disability become more accepting of their condition by teaching and encouraging them to reach their full potential. He would also make you understand and feel that you have the right to be included in society just like everyone else.

2. People with disability and their families or carers can benefit from psychological counselling

Caring for a person with a disability can bring out complicated emotions and present numerous obstacles. On the other hand, a psychologist gives the following clear explanations to help families and caregivers deal with these problems:

  • What goes on in the psyche of a disabled person
  • The impact their disabilities have on their daily lives
  • How they can help them overcome the obstacles they face.

People with disability can make it easier for others to connect with them by understanding their feelings and needs and telling others about their own lives.

3. A psychologist can teach those with disability how to live independently

A psychologist can help you learn new ways to deal with your disability and adjust to it. They may also help you find housing, transportation, and work. He will make sure that you can take care of yourself and don’t need help from your family or anyone else.

How Do Psychological Treatments Work?

There are many ways to help people with disability, but therapy is the most common method psychologists use. Psychotherapy or talk therapy are other terms for the same thing.

For example, psychologists may start one-on-one therapy sessions to help people with anxiety disorders learn how to control their symptoms and deal with their illness.

Counselling is another option for helping people with disabilities and their families understand their condition and develop positive coping skills.

Psychologists may also work alongside primary care physicians and psychiatrists to manage patients who benefit from medication. Therapy and medication are effective therapeutic combinations for several disorders.

Benefit Of An Accredited NDIS Psychologist

An NDIS-certified psychologist helps people with disabilities understand and manage their condition to tackle the challenges of everyday life with confidence. Learning life skills and new ways to cope with disability after disability will help you head in the right direction. 

NDIS psychologists begin treatment by conducting an assessment to understand your needs. Developing an effective therapy program requires identifying, implementing, and assessing your behaviours and therapy goals. Your positive and negative behaviours must also be clearly defined and measured for the treatment plan to work.

Depending on the results of the evaluation and the person’s mental health at the time, a NDIS psychologist will strive to help in the following ways:

  • Adaptation to a disability
  • Management of unwanted and challenging behaviours
  • Development of communication skills
  • Development of play skills for children with learning disabilities
  • Advancements in social skills and self-care abilities, such as toileting, dressing, eating, and sleeping
  • Help with parenting or caregiving
  • Transition planning