At a time when no modern fertility treatment works for a couple, they resort to IVF. This is currently the fertility treatment method tested by millions of couples around the world and it really works. IVF is usually resorted to when no other method gave the desired result, or the reproductive system of one of the parents requires medical intervention for normal conception. For example, if a man’s sperm quality is poor, or a woman’s ovaries do not function properly, IVF treatment may help.

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For all its charms, IVF is not a miracle, but a medical procedure that has a number of drawbacks. First, IVF does not provide a 100% result, and most couples achieve the desired pregnancy after 2-3 attempts. And second – to increase the chances of IVF efficiency, physicians often offer parents to fertilize and transfer several embryos into the uterus at once. If this is a woman’s first pregnancy and it is a multiple pregnancy, it is associated with certain risks to the health of the mother and baby. This is especially true for women who are over 35 years old or in cases where 3 embryos placed in the uterus have implanted. In the latter case, even a young and healthy woman is usually advised to keep only 2 embryos, otherwise the risk of miscarriage or premature birth, which the babies will not survive, is too high.

But doctors and scientists are doing everything possible to minimize such complications and maximize the effectiveness of IVF. This is why selective transfer was created. This is a technique that allows not to transfer several embryos into the uterus in the hope that one of them will survive, but to choose in advance the most viable cells.

This is done using an embryoscope, a special apparatus in which fertilized eggs are immersed for primary development outside the mother’s body. Such development lasts several days under the close supervision of doctors, and thanks to new technologies, doctors have an opportunity to see the condition of the eggs. This does not require diagnostics with microscopes – the apparatus simply scans the cells layer by layer, displaying a complete image on the screen, by which doctors can judge the quality of an egg. Thus, out of several fertilized zygotes, one, the most developed and viable one, is selected and placed in the mother’s uterus for further development.

This avoids the risks associated with the transfer of several embryos at once, because even the presence of 2 engrafted eggs is likely to force the mother to stay in hospital for the entire pregnancy and severely limit her movements, which will undoubtedly affect the quality of life.

According to doctors’ observations, this is a very effective method that can increase the chances of IVF success. It is especially important for women under the age of 35, and it is young ladies who are recommended to choose a single egg. This is because at that age, the patient’s chance of 2 embryos to take root is almost equal to the chance of 1 embryo to take root. And if you can choose the embryo that has the best chance to take root and develop normally, why play Russian roulette with your body? That’s why they recommend choosing quality over quantity. This is the best choice for young women’s first 2 attempts, according to reproductive statistics.