When you take on a new sport or activity, the first thing you think of is buying the right gear. Whether it be a bike for all of your long rides or a racket for those Sunday afternoon tennis games. Gear and accessories can be the reason you have a wonderful experience or a complete fail you forget about weeks down the line. What people often forget is that running is no different, especially when it comes to your shoes. 

First things first, choose the right pair of runners

Make sure that you pick the right pair of shoes, to begin with. Pick a shoe that fits your foot’s arch and structure and won’t slip when you move. Do your due diligence and find the best running shoes in Australia

Be sure to try on different types of shoes and do research before picking the right shoe for your needs. People who run on rougher terrain will need a tougher shoe on the bottom and an overall snugger shoe for ankle protection. If you purchase a shoe that doesn’t fit your needs, it might wear out earlier and cause you to spend extra money. 

Let us go over some simple things you could be doing to get more mileage out of your running shoes.

Take them off with care

The first and most obvious trick is to look after the way you put them on and take them off. When putting them on making sure you are pulling the laces all the way apart and slipping your foot in gently. no tugging or ripping them on. If needed, use the aid of a shoehorn. 

The same goes for taking them off. Always untie your shoes fully and slip your foot out gently. Whatever you do, do not slip them off with your other foot! This will damage the structure of the back of your shoe. 


Store your shoes in a safe space, away from any heat or direct sunlight. Your shoes are usually made out of materials such as nylon and polyester. These materials are great and breathable, however, they don’t do very well in sunlight or humidity. 

If you have a shoe cupboard, make sure you are always putting your shoes back in there. If not, consider keeping your shoebox and storing them in it. The most important part of storing your shoes safely is that you don’t stack other shoes on top of them. This will bend them out of shape. 

Clean them up

A huge part of after-run care for your accessories and shoes includes cleaning everything thoroughly. You come home, take off your shoes and jump into the shower. But while you’re washing the dirt and sweat off your body, have you ever considered washing your shoes too?

To make the material stronger and last longer, consider having a little cleaning tool kit by the door (or wherever you store your shoes). 

Do not ever put your shoes in the washing machine. Instead, after your run, if you notice that your shoes are dirty, muddy, or sweaty, run them under a lukewarm tap and gently wipe off any visible dirt. After this, let them dry in a spot that does not have direct sunlight, before putting them back away.

Use shoe protector spray

Before you start running in your brand new sneakers, give them a good spray down with some shoe protector. You can purchase some great shoe protecting sprays that will help prevent dirt and grime from sticking to your shoe. The sprays will also help your clean up process.

Consider investing in odour removing sprays. No one wants musty smelling shoes! Make sure that the spray you choose is also a disinfectant. 

Invest in a second pair of running shoes

By investing in a second pair of running shoes and alternating between both, they will tend to each have a longer lifespan – as you aren’t relying on one pair. 

Give them structure

Have you ever bought a pair of shoes and had to pull out cardboard and tissue paper before you could wear them? There is a very good reason for that. You can keep these and reinsert them between uses to help your shoes maintain their shape. You can achieve the same thing by stuffing them with a couple of pairs of rolled up running socks

One shoe for one task

No matter how incredible your running shoes look, do not wear them for a casual outing. No matter how comfortable they may be, do not wear them to the gym or strength training, and instead invest in a separate pair of shoes for these types of workouts. 

Your running shoes are for running. Make sure to keep them for one task and they will thank you by lasting much longer.

Know when to say goodbye

Is it after that fourth hole? Or maybe after your sole finally comes off?

Here are some ways to tell when it is time to let go of your running companions. 


If possible, track your running mileage from the day you buy your shoes. Check how much you have run in one year and check it against the quality of your shoe and running experience. Keep in mind that if you run on a treadmill, your mileage will be higher than for someone that runs on rougher terrains. 

Pains and shocks

If you are finding that the more you run, the more pain you are getting in the sole of your foot, all the way to your knees and hips, you need new shoes. This means that your shoes are worn down and are not absorbing any shock.

Wear and tear

The most obvious sign of needing a new pair of runners is how they look. If your shoe is falling apart at the threads or the sole is splitting, you need a new pair!

Newer shoes feel awesome

If you aren’t enjoying your runs because of discomfort or because the shoes aren’t a good fit anymore… get a new pair.  It might be simply because you’ve outgrown them. 

We hope that this has answered any questions you might have about how to make your running shoes last longer, and when it is finally time to let go.